S.# | Description of Disruptive Behaviour | 1nd Offence | 2nd Offence | 3rd Offence | 4th Offence |
1. | Successively Coming late to school / class | Class Teacher to verbally warn | Coordinator to warn students | Coordinator to warn and call parents | Warning by Principal |
2. | Bunking Classes | AS ABOVE | |||
3. | Improper or dirty dress / uniform (violation of School dress code) | Discipline Committee / Teacher to verbally warn | Coordinator to warn student | Same as 1st and 2nd as well as Coordinator call parents | Warning by Principal |
4. | Carrying / Displaying / using electronic gadgets, Cell phone etc, within School premises | Warning by Coordinator | Confiscation till the end of the School Year | ||
5. | Loitering in School areas purposelessly | Discipline Committee / Teacher to verbally warn | Coordinator to warn student | Warning by Principal with fine | Suspension from classes for 2 weeks with fine |
6. | Damage to school Property | Recovery of Cost ascertained by Administration | Recovery of Cost ascertained by Administration and issuance of warning letter by Principal | Recovery of Cost ascertained by Administration and issuance of warning letter by Principal and suspension from classes of two weeks | Expulsion from School and recovery of cost of damage |
7. | Failure / Late deposit of School fees / dues | As Per Fee Rules | |||
8. | Loss of any document issued i.e. ID | Coordinator to warn student and issuance of new document with fine. | Warning by Principal and issuance of new document with fine. | – | Suspension from classes for one weeks |
8. | Loss of any document issued i.e. ID | Coordinator to warn student and issuance of new document with fine. | Warning by Principal and issuance of new document with fine. | – | Suspension from classes for one weeks |
9. | Theft / Petty stealing | Recovery of Item, warning by coordinator | Recovery of Item, warning by coordinator and call to parent | Recovery of Item, warning by coordinator and call to parent and suspensions for two weeks | Expulsion from School and Recovery of Item |
10. | Quarrelling, Fighting, (Shoving, Pushing Or Scuffling, Bullying / Verbal Abuse) | Discipline Committee Teacher to Verbally Warn | Written warning by coordinator and counseling with fine | Warning written by the Principal and suspension for two weeks with fine | Expulsion from School |
11. | Vandalism | 100% of the cost be levied and call to parent verbally warn | 100% of the cost levied and call to parent written warning | Suspension from School and counseling with Parents plus 100% of the cost levied | Expulsion from School |
12. | Physical Violence | Suspension from School with fine Parents be called | Expulsion from School | – | – |
13. | Disruption of School operations / events or Politicking on School premises | Suspension from School with fine and counselling with Parents | Expulsion from School | – | – |
14. | Possession / use of Weapon | Expulsion from School | – | – | – |
15. | Illegal Activity | Expulsion from School | – | – | – |
16. | Gender Harassment | Warning by Class Teacher | Warning by Coordinator with fine | Warning by Principal with fine | Suspension from School with fine |
17. | Religious / radical / sect discrimination | Warning by Class Teacher | Warning by Coordinator | Warning by Principal | Suspension from School |
18. | Unnecessarily arguing and complaining | Warning by Class Teacher | Warning by Coordinator | Warning by Principal | Suspension from School |
19. | Disrespect, Indecent, behavior or disobeying of Instruction / rules etc. | Warning by Class Teacher | Warning by Coordinator | Warning by Principal | Suspension from School |
20. | Forging documents, fraud, lies etc. | Warning by Class Teacher | Warning by Coordinator with fine | Warning by Principal with fine | Suspension from School |
21. | Writing / Publishing prohibited material | Warning by Class Teacher | Warning by Coordinator | Warning by Principal | Suspension from School |
22. | Smoking, use of Drug on campus | Suspension from School | Expulsion from School | – | – |
23. | Possessing / using crackers, fireworks | Suspension from School with fine | Expulsion from School | – | – |
24. | Gratification | Suspension from School | Expulsion from School | – | – |
Note: This is Administrator / Principal’s discretion to expel any student upon an undesirable act or breaching the rules.
Headmistress / Principal / Administrator may impose cash penalty incase of any misconduct / misbehavior. Headmistress / Principal / Administrator will be the sole judge.