S.# Description of Disruptive Behaviour 1nd Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence 4th Offence
1. Successively Coming late to school / class Class Teacher to verbally warn Coordinator to warn students Coordinator to warn and call parents Warning by Principal
2. Bunking Classes AS ABOVE
3. Improper or dirty dress / uniform (violation of School dress code) Discipline Committee / Teacher to verbally warn Coordinator to warn student Same as 1st and 2nd as well as Coordinator call parents Warning by Principal
4. Carrying / Displaying / using electronic gadgets, Cell phone etc, within School premises Warning by Coordinator Confiscation till the end of the School Year
5. Loitering in School areas purposelessly Discipline Committee / Teacher to verbally warn Coordinator to warn student Warning by Principal with fine Suspension from classes for 2 weeks with fine
6. Damage to school Property Recovery of Cost ascertained by Administration Recovery of Cost ascertained by Administration and issuance of warning letter by Principal Recovery of Cost ascertained by Administration and issuance of warning letter by Principal and suspension from classes of two weeks Expulsion from School and recovery of cost of damage
7. Failure / Late deposit of School fees / dues As Per Fee Rules
8. Loss of any document issued i.e. ID Coordinator to warn student and issuance of new document with fine. Warning by Principal and issuance of new document with fine. Suspension from classes for one weeks
8. Loss of any document issued i.e. ID Coordinator to warn student and issuance of new document with fine. Warning by Principal and issuance of new document with fine. Suspension from classes for one weeks
9. Theft / Petty stealing Recovery of Item, warning by coordinator Recovery of Item, warning by coordinator and call to parent Recovery of Item, warning by coordinator and call to parent and suspensions for two weeks Expulsion from School and Recovery of Item
10. Quarrelling, Fighting, (Shoving, Pushing Or Scuffling, Bullying / Verbal Abuse) Discipline Committee Teacher to Verbally Warn Written warning by coordinator and counseling with fine Warning written by the Principal and suspension for two weeks with fine Expulsion from School
11. Vandalism 100% of the cost be levied and call to parent verbally warn 100% of the cost levied and call to parent written warning Suspension from School and counseling with Parents plus 100% of the cost levied Expulsion from School
12. Physical Violence Suspension from School with fine Parents be called Expulsion from School
13. Disruption of School operations / events or Politicking on School premises Suspension from School with fine and counselling with Parents Expulsion from School
14. Possession / use of Weapon Expulsion from School
15. Illegal Activity Expulsion from School
16. Gender Harassment Warning by Class Teacher Warning by Coordinator with fine Warning by Principal with fine Suspension from School with fine
17. Religious / radical / sect discrimination Warning by Class Teacher Warning by Coordinator Warning by Principal Suspension from School
18. Unnecessarily arguing and complaining Warning by Class Teacher Warning by Coordinator Warning by Principal Suspension from School
19. Disrespect, Indecent, behavior or disobeying of Instruction / rules etc. Warning by Class Teacher Warning by Coordinator Warning by Principal Suspension from School
20. Forging documents, fraud, lies etc. Warning by Class Teacher Warning by Coordinator with fine Warning by Principal with fine Suspension from School
21. Writing / Publishing prohibited material Warning by Class Teacher Warning by Coordinator Warning by Principal Suspension from School
22. Smoking, use of Drug on campus Suspension from School Expulsion from School
23. Possessing / using crackers, fireworks Suspension from School with fine Expulsion from School
24. Gratification Suspension from School Expulsion from School

Note: This is Administrator / Principal’s discretion to expel any student upon an undesirable act or breaching the rules.

Headmistress / Principal / Administrator may impose cash penalty incase of any misconduct / misbehavior. Headmistress / Principal / Administrator will be the sole judge.