Cambridge Section:

AIMS School Cambridge section was recently launched. Currently our section is consisting of “Pre-Nursery till Level-VIII” and growing each year. We have a high quality of academics which is maintained throughout the session. We have qualified staff and professionally trained teachers and Montessori directresses. Cambridge section applies highly advanced educational approaches and monthly assessment system to prepare students for the O’level examinations in future.

Moreover, we have an environment in which we aim to inspire excellence along with Islamic ethics. We have a separate system for Girls and Boys from Level-III onwards along with that Girls and Boys Transport is also separated. Daily Namaz and Nazra classes are conducted for students.

We also have career counseling sessions or in person session which helps students to decide group according to their interest, aptitude and future demand.

Group offered to IX – X / O’Level

  • Computer Science
  • Bio Science
  • Commerce
School Timings for Students:

Pre-Primary Section:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8:25am to 12:45pm
  • Friday: 8:25am to 11:45am

Level I, II Students:

  • Monday to Thursday: 7:44am to 1:45pm
  • Friday: 8:25am to 12:00pm

Leve III – VIII Students:

  • Monday to Thursday: 7:55am to 2:10pm
  • Friday: 7:55am to 12:10pm

Assessment Criteria and Guidelines:

A.I.M.S Management announces the Academic Policy for the session 2021 – 2022 according to which Ongoing / Continuous Assessment System will be continued in the new session as well. The entire session is divided into Two Terms

  1. Term I
  2. Term II
Assessment / Test Guidelines: Kindergarten / Junior I & II:

At the end of every lesson / chapter / topic, there will be a class test of maximum 10 marks. Teachers may combine 2 small lessons or topics in a test whenever required.

Teachers may announce the test date(s) well in advance by stamping the students’ diaries having mentioned subject, topic and test date in it. In case of any unforeseen trouble or inconvenience it may be announced 1 day advance.

If a test is postponed due to an unforeseen holiday, it may be taken any day un-announced. No restamping will be done for that test, a note in the dairy will be sent though for the change in date.

If a child is absent on the test announcement day, his/her diary will be stamped the next day, but if he/ she would stay absent for two consecutive days, school should not be hold responsible for not informing that child / parents.

N.B: To prepare for an Assessment a student MUST thoroughly read and learn the complete lesson from the book and the copy work.

After checking and discussion, the test papers will be returned to the students. For the parents’ awareness, again student’s diary will be stamped having mentioned ‘Subject’, ‘Topic’ and ‘The date of return’ on it. If you do not find the “Test Returned Stamp” please inform it to us in written within a week.

Assessment / Test Guidelines: Kindergarten / Junior III-X:

In three onwards classes Test-date, subject and topic will be announced by teacher in the class. Students will write subject, topic and test date in Assessment Schedule given in the Home Assignment Diary by themselves.

Test Papers after checking will be returned to students by the same process as mentioned above.

Parents will sign the Assessment Schedule when:

  • Receive Test date (Sign – 1)
  • Receive Test Paper after checking (Sign – 2)

If your child does not receive the checked test paper till the 8th day of the last announcement date, kindly contact school promptly to enquire.

This is parents’ responsibility to keep these test / assessment papers safely in a file at home for a record.

Subject wise official data of every student is maintained regularly by the school that may be shown to the parents upon request only.

Assessment Policy:

As per the Assessment Policy Re – Assessment due to absence / failure / low performance will not be taken.

For each subject N – 1, 2 formula will be applied.

  • o N = Total Number of Assessments taken
  • o – 1,2 assessment of low performance / absence / failure will be excluded.

Number of Assessments excluded will depend on subject weightage and total number of Assessments taken. Management will decide the number of assessments excluded for each subject.

Absentees Assessment / Exam will not be taken.

Absentee will be considered fail in that particular test / Exam.

We do not RETEST. Parents therefore, are requested to make their ward regular and punctual.

Assessment Criteria and Marks Allocation:

A balanced allocation of marks is essential. A final coursework percentage for each term that is based on few samples of students’ performance, work, and efforts does not provide a fair and sufficient representation of students’ work. Therefore, we have planned to expand the assessment criteria for students which are as follow:

  • Assessments based on topics, lessons, chapters, units from the syllabus
  • Class work (Work completed in class)
  • Oral work (Recitation of Ayat with translation , Hadith, poems , Viva)
  • Notebook/ Handwriting (Neat and tidy presentation of work)
  • 5 marks per term are allocated for copy maintenance.
  • Home Assignments and tasks (Any days routine homework can also be marked)
  • Project work (Work presentation, meeting deadline, relevance of material, bibliography / reference, acknowledgment, oral presentation of the project in class)
Term Reports:

Child’s Term I and Term II Reports will be compiled as mentioned below:

Pre-Nursery / Nursery:

The above-mentioned classes do not have exams instead students are assessed on the basis of ongoing assessment.

Kindergarten / Junior / Senior: Term I Report:

Term I Assessments marks + Half yearly Examination Marks = Term I Result

40% + 60% = 100%

Term II Report:

Term I Result + Term II Assessments Marks + Final Examination Marks = Accumulated Result

20% + 20% + 60% = 100%

Note: Child’s promotion to the next class or detention in the same class is dependent on the Accumulated Result.

Detention Policy:

Following is the Detention Policy for

Pre Nursery & Nursery:

Core Subjects: English, Urdu, Mathematics

Non Core Subjects: Culture, Islamic Studies, English Language Oral, Sensorial Material, E.P.L Material, Mathematical Material, Language Material, Art & craft.


Core Subjects: English, Urdu, Mathematics

Non Core Subjects: Science, Art & craft / Computer (oral), English Language oral.

Level I - II:

Core subjects: English Literature, English Language, Urdu Literature, Urdu Language, Math and Islamiat.

None Core Subjects for Grade I: Science, Computer, Arabic and Art.

None Core Subjects for Grade II: Science, Computer, Arabic and Art.

A child will be considered Detained and will not be promoted to the next class

If he / she fails in 2 core subjects

No rank / position will be awarded if he / she fails in 1 core subject but will be promoted to the next class.

N.B: In Art there will be regular Assessments and marks will be given.

Level III - VIII:

A child will be considered Detained and will not be promoted to the next class if he / she:

fails in 2 core subjects

fails in 1 core and 1 Non-core subjects

fails in 3 Non-core subjects

If any student of Level-VIII is failed in 1 core subject he / she will not be promoted to Grade-IX.

Level III - VIII:

Core subjects: English Literature, English Language, Urdu Literature, Urdu Language, Math, Science and Islamiat.

None Core Subjects: Social Studies, Computer, Arabic and Art (Level – VII & VIII).

Nazra classes are arranged up till Junior VI while onwards for giving Tarbiyyat classes are arranged. It is child’s responsibility to complete his / her Quran-e-Majeed till Junior VI.

Level IX – X / O’Level:

Grade IX, X’s subjects and passing grades will remain as per the Matric / Cambridge Board.

At the end of their academic session students’ performance in the Assessments, Annual Examination and Preliums will be accumulated to award the position holders.

Promotion Policy:

Criteria to grade a child’s performance for the assessments / tests / exams is given bellow.

Grading Scheme:

Criteria to grade a child’s performance for the assessments / tests / exams is given bellow.

A+ = 90% —– 100%
A = 80% —– 89%
B+ = 70% —– 79%
B = 60% —– 69%
C = 50% —– 59%
U (Ungraded) = Below 50% (Failed)

After meeting the, above-mentioned criteria, a child will be considered passed and eligible for the promotion to the next class.

In case of failing in any one Core or Non-core subject, child may be promoted to the next class but may not be entitled for any Rank or the Position.

Students having any serious ailment or a contagious disease will be detained or promoted to the next class after seeing their past performance. Parents MUST submit an application with an authentic medical certificate.

Home Work and Diary Policy:

Home work:

We usually prefer giving reading, learning and practicing tasks as students home assignment; A child may complete them independently or with little of parental guidance.

Selective written home work may also be given as per need and for further improvement and reinforcement.

Students who remain absent from the school for any reason MUST complete their pending work timely.

Parents may also come to copy down or collect their ward’s absent days’ work between 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm any day except Fridays / Saturday. Take a prior appointment for it.

Teachers or the school management is not responsible to complete or cover the written / oral work of the Absentee. We may facilitate the child to do his / her pending work and teachers may check this as late work.

If a child doesn’t complete his / her homework on time and teachers stop him / her after school extra tuition fee of Rs. 100 will be charged. Parents will be responsible for the Pick and Drop of their ward in this case.

Home Assignment Diary:

Parents are advised to check and sign their wards’ diary and note books regularly.

If parents wish to write a note in the diary for any teacher they may do so but if they wish to communicate with the principal a separate paper should be used. You may also make a phone call to the principal for registering your complaint if you do not get a response of your written note.

Diaries are checked in the diary period; therefore, you may not get an immediate response on the same day.

If on the parents note ‘Seen’ is written that means your query or complaint has reached to the concerned person.

Teachers or the principal may respond in the form of a note written in the child’s diary for their parents.

If the matter would be serious and urgent, the principal may like to see you personally at school.

For writing a note in the diary, kindly use pen or ball point. Avoid sending us note written with pencil.

The Home Assignment Diary has “Important Notes” Pages in it. They are for the Principal / Coordinator to write a note for parents regarding any issue.

Award Nomination Criteria:

100% Attendance Award:

The 100% Attendance Award is given to those students who are regular and punctual and attend the school whole year. They do not avail early departures or / and late arrivals. Those students who are admitted in this school somewhere in the middle of the session may not be considered for this award.

The Best Student Award:

The nominations for the Best Student Award are made with the mutual consent of the teachers as well as considering the student’s academic record, participation in the co-curricular activities, regularity, cleanliness and personal hygiene, behavior towards peers, teachers and the school.

Co-circular Activities Awards:

These awards are based upon the performance in co-circular activities. Each activity has a separate award. We have number of activities which helps students to develop the mental, physical and emotional skills. To encourage and motivate student performance, there will 1st , 2nd and 3rd position award for each and separate activity.

Parent Teacher Meeting:

Parents – Teacher Meetings (PTMs):

A.I.M.S. considers PTMs as the highly important occasions for the parents as well as the teachers.

Parents are strongly requested to attend these Pre-exams and post-exams meetings to get to know their ward’s progress. Parents’ presence in these meetings show their care and concern for their wards.

We would appreciate if mothers appear at such occasions more often.

Assessment and exams paper files are allowed to take home for parents only.

If both parents (Mother / Father) are unable to attend the PTM due to an extremely important piece of work and someone else is sent to attend the meeting or collect the result he / she may come with a proper application written and signed by parents and must bring with him / her child’s I.D card without which he / she may not be entertained.

In case of a discrepancy in the result, do inform the management promptly so that miscalculation or inaccuracy could be corrected within 3 days, no case will be dealt with later than the given days.

Visiting Hours:

Following are the Parents Meeting timings with the Coordinator, Principal / Headmistress / Administrator

  • Campus – I:
Tuesday: 9:00am to 11am, Thursday: 11am to 1:30pm.
  •  Campus – II:
Tuesday: 11:00am to 1:00pm, Thursday: 9:00am to 11:00am.

Other than the mentioned days / time take a prior appointment at school number to meet the Coordinator, Principal, Headmistress and Administrator also.

Note: Please avoid to call the Administrator directly over the cell phone. Incase of having any complaint write the complaint in short with your ward’s name, S.I.D and class and SMS it. Your matter will be resolved and on requirement we may call you as well.